Queenstown Airport has reviewed its parking charges for the first time since 2019.
At the airport terminal, parking remains free for up to 20 minutes, and there will be no change to parking rates for stays up to 12 hours. The rates for Queenstown Airport’s Park & Ride service will also remain the same.
Charges for stays longer than 12 hours will increase from 1 August. The maximum daily charge will be $30. The daily charge falls to $28 after 7 days and $25 after 10 days.
“This is the first price increase for parking in five years," Queenstown Airport Head of Commercial Jessica Watson said.
“We are mindful that many residents like coming to the terminal to greet and farewell friends and family. We are the only international airport in the country to offer free parking for up to 20 minutes, and that offer is staying. Those coming to pick up and drop off will not incur an additional charge.”
Ms Watson said: “We’ve worked to ensure that parking at Queenstown Airport is still competitively priced compared to other airports and to CBD parking.”
“At busy times, our terminal car parks can fill up quickly, so we’re also encouraging those parking and heading away for longer periods to consider Park & Ride. We provide a free shuttle service to get you to and from the terminal.”
The airport has invested in technology to improve the parking experience at Queenstown Airport, including Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) and cashless tap-and-go card payments.
Six EV charging spots are also available in Car Park A. Charging continues to be free, although standard parking fees apply.
Queenstown Airport operates two car parks (A and B) conveniently located close to the terminal and Park & Ride located nearby in Brookes Road, Frankton.
The fees below apply from 1 August 2024.